Fiche cheval midori beauty

R2C8plathandicap 24961sha tin (hong kong)1200M208898the association of hong kong racing journalists challenge cup (hand)12 partantsdépart à 08:35
Non-partants : 4
17reve parisienH70p(22)9p0p7ppoon m.f.28/101:10
210ready to winH70p7p0p6pho c.y.16/1tete
36e legendH66p8p0p1p4pchau c.l.18/1cte tete
48wonder kitH56p2p3p4p0pbentley h.5.9/13/4 l
55czarsonH75p5p5p6pleung k.c.19/1cte tete
69noble winH50ppurton z.4.45/13/4 l
73midori beautyH50p(22)4p4p4pchadwick m.3.7/1tete
81good buddyH63p0p(22)6p1pbowman h.5.05/13/4 l
92brave dreamsH51p4p1p2p2pde sousa s.10/11 l 1/4
4thesisH47p9p0p(22)0pnon partant/1
1012texas moonH50p(22)0p4p0phewitson l.25/1encolure
1111setantaH60p0p0p4p8pcurrie l.64/1tete

R2C9plathandicap 30172happy valley1200M208898causeway handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
14armour eagleH6(22)2p9p4p6ppurton z./101:09
210howdeepisyourloveH4(22)1p9p3pteetan k./11/2 l
36xponentialH8(22)5p2p3p4phamelin a./11/2 l
47lucky eightH5(22)3p4p8p5pleung k.c./11/2 l
53humble starH5(22)1pchau c.l./1encolure
62yo beautyH6(22)1p2p2p1pchung y.l./1encolure
71star briteH6(22)4p2p1p7pbowman h./11 l 3/4
811savvy chicH5(22)2p1p0pde sousa s./1cte tete
912spangle fortuneH4(22)0p0p0ppoon m.f./13 l 1/2
105midori beautyH5(22)4p4p4p2phewitson l./11 l 1/2
118talents supremoH4(22)0pbadel a./1cte tete
129divine shiningH5(22)7pferraris l./17 l 1/2

R2C9plathandicap 31164sha tin (hong kong)1200M217724lukfook jewellery pt graceful collection handicap12 partantsdépart à 09:10
18lightning boltH46p9p4p6p8phewitson l.14/101:08
25mark the momentH4Inéditchau c.l.34/11/2 l
312youthful dealH41p2p9p2p8pho c.y.3.7/11/4 l
46midori beautyH44p4p2p2p0ppurton z.6.05/11/4 l
52man starH67p1p2p4p0pferraris l.39/11/4 l
64quadruple doubleH71p8p6p1p2pchan k.h.47/12 l
77red desertH63p3p4p7p9pbowman h.6.85/11/2 l
83fiery diamondH51p1p1p9p3pleung k.c.5.6/1tete
99jolly rulerH40p4p1p5p0pde sousa s.4.7/11 l 3/4
101maximusH50p0p2p(21)5pteetan k.15/13/4 l
1110eight trigramsH70p0p6p0p1pmo h.t.64/16 l
1211golden warsteedH40p3p0p0pmaia r.103/15 l

R3C5plathandicap 32210sha tin (hong kong)1200M217724chevalier construction handicap12 partantsdépart à 07:15
110fiery diamondH51p1p9p3p5pleung k.c./101:08
26winning iceyH43p1p1p1p6pferraris l./13 l 1/2
34red desertH63p4p7p9p0phamelin a./1encolure
45midori beautyH44p2p2p0ppurton z./11/2 l
57everyone's victoryH59p0p7p0p4pbentley h./11/2 l
63lightning boltH49p4p6p8p6phewitson l./11 l 1/4
71man starH61p2p4p0p8pbowman h./11 l 1/4
89traderH54p1p9p3p2pchau c.l./13 l 1/2
912call me teddyH42p8p0p5p3pwong h.n./13 l
102copartner ambitionH57p4p5p8p5pchung y.l./18 l 1/2
1111sparkling knightH65p0p0p(21)1pborges v./17 l 1/2
128jolly rulerH44p1p5p0p0pchadwick m./13 l

R2C9plathandicap 34195sha tin (hong kong)1200M217724magpie handicap14 partantsdépart à 09:10
12king landH57p6p0p0p3pchau c.l.75/101:08
214enchanting ibisH45p4p2p1p0pde sousa s.12/1encolure
38beauty tycoonH41p0p3p3p2pbadel a.6.95/1encolure
45midori beautyH42p2p0ppurton z.6.3/1encolure
511victor the winnerH41ppoon m.f.1.65/1encolure
69tamra blitzH36phewitson l.41/11 l 1/2
71invincible missileH70p0p1p3pwong c.132/13/4 l
84happy sharingH51p2p4p4p3pmaia r.11/1cte tete
913awesome treasureH57p5p0p2p4pyeung m.l.65/1tete
1010telecom speedH58pbentley h.175/1encolure
1112golden artieH3Inéditleung k.c.53/12 l 1/2
123sakewinH46p3p4p1p1pm. chadwick24/13/4 l
137spangle fortuneH3Inéditcurrie l.149/11/2 l
146jazz clubH38p8p0pho c.y.123/1nez

R2C6plathandicap 40197sha tin (hong kong)1200M189389emerald handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:35
111eight trigramsH78p2p5p1p2pmo h.t./101:09
21jumbo fortuneH49p5p4p0pmoreira j./1encolure
35kilindiniH69p4p5p(21)9pchau c.l./11 l 1/2
414right honourableH88p0p9p4p1ph w lai/1encolure
512flaming passionH54p3p3p3p2pchadwick m./1cte tete
62king landH50p0p3p8pshinn b./13/4 l
74brilliant wayH41p1p5p2p9pbadel a./1cte tete
89beauty chargeM3Inéditpurton z./11 l
910regency bo boH98p3p8p0p5pmaia r./1encolure
107armour eagleH56p0p7p1p3pteetan k./13/4 l
116fly on earthH4Inéditbentley h./11 l
128super kingH3Inédithewitson l./11 l 3/4
133spirited expressH5Inéditho c.y./16 l 1/2
1413midori beautyH4Inéditleung k.c./11 l

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